Thursday 3 November 2016

Economic East

The Economeast had finally been sent to the printer and we were able to get a rough copy of it through to confirm the print. I ended up turing out really well and I was overall really happy with it. Seeing that all of the hard work that was put into it finally resulted in a quality finished product was quite the accomplishment.

Medical society

Medical society was in full swing and I was very much enjoying attending regular sessions. We had begun to focus more on preparing for the UKCAT. This is a clinical aptitude test that is required for all medical applicants. In the sessions we often did practice questions which served as a great way to initially prepare for the test. Apart from this we continued to look at ethical dilemmas and other problems that doctors face daily. 


After quite a while of no service we were finally given news that we would soon attend again. The original service leader left due to medical reasons and a new one was put in place. This was all quite the relief for all of us as we were getting worried if it would still continue and to see that it would was great news. However I still believe that the whole situation could have been better managed as we were all quite disappointed of the time that we had missed. 

Wednesday 4 May 2016

Economic East

Economeast was as busy as ever with deadlines which had to be met concerning the layout, this took a really long time and took a lot of collaboration with the two others in the layout team. I found it very difficult to find the time that I needed to make the high quality pages which we strived for and had to spend a lot of time over the weekends doing this and staying back after school until 6 oclock some days. However in the end we managed to get this done with one final push and it was then send to the printer.

Medical society

I have also begun Medical society to help to find out whether medicine is really the think I want to do in university. We began the season with looking at a lot of specific cases which had heavy ethical implications. Trying to decide which patient should get an organ for an organ transplant between two of different backgrounds. I found this very difficult yet interesting as it helped to bring up some of the challenges that being a doctor may come with.


Service was still not going on at this time due to a lack of response from the partners to see if they wanted us to come or not. I found this increasingly frustrating as it had been almost 3 months since we had last met with them. Overall I believe that his whole situation could have been handled a lot better by service and less time could have been wasted. 
Economic East

This season in Economics east we have been very busy with doing the layout, spending a lot of time outside of school doing this. This was a lot more difficult that I first thought, trying to organise all of the articles and come out with a layout for the economeast. To do this we had to learn how to use the adobe program, Indesign. This is professional software which took a while to even understand and be able to make the template with. Fortunately, we found a template which we could use royalty free, this was very helpful.

Rock climbing

Rock climbing began to come to an end with some of our last sessions, here we continued to to do some challenges. Such as climbing the wall with one hand or foot off of the wall. This changed the whole way in which I climbed the wall and actually developed my technique and understanding of climbing a lot more than I thought. I was able to use some of the strategies that I learnt through doing this during normal climbing, helping me more than I originally would have thought.


Service came to a bit of a standstill this month with us not actually going to the place due to our supervisor not thinking that they wanted us to attend. I was quite annoyed with this, I was honestly enjoying service up to this point and beginning to form relationships which I was scared may be lost due to this time off as well as the winter break. 

Tuesday 3 May 2016

Economic East

Once all of the articles were complete for the Economics magazine, we had to edit them. I found editing my own work very challenging and found it very difficult to know what to change, for this reason, we did peer editing. I found this a lot easier as I was looking at someone else's work for the first time. Also my work came out a lot better edited and the process was overall beneficial for all of us. Once this was done, we needed to begin to start with the layout itself, this took a lot of brainstorming and time and will be done in the coming weeks.  

Rock climbing

I feel like I have greatly improved my rock climbing in these previous sessions. I have begun to do a lot more difficult routes, doing specific colours. My rock climbing partner is also in my grade and I have found working with him very helpful. We have constantly been encouraging each other to do better and try new things. We also have recently begun to try climbing the wall without either one hand or one foot. I found this extremely challenging, however it has begun to greatly improve my technique and how I am aware of my body placement, ensuring I am quick and efficient.  


Service has not changed very much, with us unfortunately missing out on a few sessions. I have found that I have been continually working with the same individual. This has been quite useful as more of a relationship develops between us, where they actually begin to recognise me, one man specifically has been coming to me during the session, I feel like I am beginning to develop a relationship with him. However this missing out on a few sessions has not been very good for this. Especially due to the fact that we have had breaks in between, meaning that we have had times where we have not seen them for weeks at a time 

Monday 7 March 2016

Economic East

During season 2 of Economics East we had to write another article for the magazine. I decided to write about junior doctors in the UK, this is something very important to me as I am planning on becoming a doctor in the UK and this could quite easily effect my life as a junior doctor. I found it very interesting piecing together all the different arguments and viewpoints that everyone had. It was quite difficult to do this though due to the large amount of data and viewpoints that are held by people. However I believe that in the end the final outcome was very good and I was happy with my article.

Rock climbing

Season 2 of rock climbing definitely increased in difficulty quite a bit with us all setting goals and trying new more difficult things. My partner and I began to try to climb different sections of the wall with different coloured handles. These coloured routes made it quite a bit more difficult to climb as only a certain amount of handles could be used. The first time I tried this I found it very difficult but it taught me to use not only my hands but also my feet, utilising different positions whilst rock climbing.  


Going to the service was an very interesting experience, the people there were all very loud and unlike what I had previously experienced. Often they would shout out things, something I was not used to. Due to this we had to quickly adapt and be able to calm them down by doing a variety of different activities. The kinetic sand which I bought was actually used in one of the sessions and it worked really well. The people at the service said that it was one of the best activities done, with them being fully involved and enjoying it. This was very rewarding and something that was my idea really helped with the people and made the service even better.