Monday 26 October 2015

Post 2

Economic East

In the first season we have been planing the first article that we each will write for the magazine, we had to find a current event that we were interested in and we would write a 650 word article on. I chose to write about the steep rise in price of the drug Daraprim that is used to treat a variety of patients with Cancer, AIDS and other diseases. The company CEO rose the price by a huge 5000%. Writing the article was a very interesting experience and different from what I had ever done before, it took a while for me write the article and trying to learn the correct writing style was very difficult.

Rock climbing

In this season of rock climbing we have been doing a lot of practice, learning different ropes and positions during rock climbing. It has been very interesting learning all of these and the responsibility that each person has over there partner, you practically have your partners life in your arms. I have really been enjoying it though, it provides an interesting challenge for me and has been better than I thought, we also have started the climbing walls, this is really fun and challenging and getting to the top is a great feeling every time. 


In this season of service we have just been planning what we are going to do when we get to the service. We were split up into groups and have been planning our activities. We also have planned general activities, I find it very interesting how we need to plan activities around the different people we will be working with. The idea I had of using kinetic sand is going really well and we have bought kinetic sand for all of us to use and been thinking of different things we can do with the sand, in this way it has been very creative. It is annoying though how we have not got the opportunity to go to the service yet but I am very excited to go as we will do in the coming weeks.